Legislation Competition

The 2024 Legislation Competition is now open!

Link to the 2024 Legislation Competition Prompt and Submission Guidelines.

Completed submissions must be received by April 5th, 2024. Please direct all submissions to eic.legis@gmail.com with the label [Leg. Comp 2024]!

Winning submissions are eligible for the following prizes:

  • A cash prize ($200 for the winning entry, $100 for the runner-up)
  • Opportunity to publish your winning entry in JLPP’s online companion, Quorum
  • 1L winners will also gain automatic admission to JLPP

About the Competition

First held in 2014, the Competition seeks to engage the creativity and intelligence of the N.Y.U. Law student body in solving pressing policy and regulatory problems. The competition is open to all students at N.Y.U. School of Law (including first-year students). The competition is particularly focused on the art of policy advocacy through academic research and legislative drafting.

All participants in the Competition will receive a written prompt asking them to critique a piece of legislation currently before Congress. Competitors are encouraged to propose amendments, introduce new sections, argue for alternatives to the bill, or substantively analyze why it should remain as is. Submissions will be graded by a Competition Committee for content, creativity, feasibility, form, and persuasiveness.

Past Competitions

2024 Prompt | Winners TBD!

2023 Winner

2022 Prompt | Winner

2021  Prompt | Winner | Runner Up

2020 Winner

2015 Winner

2014 Winner